Monday, February 11, 2008

Love & Human Depravity

Ever since Adam & Eve left the garden we have a corrupt view of love. We're forever following our heart into trap after trap & desperation after desperation.

Case & Point:
A good friend started doing drugs a while ago. Dad sends her to NC to live with mom. Boyfriend is still in VA. Girl & boy cheat on on another. Girl & boy make it work. Boy gives girl promise ring. Girl & boy fight too much. Boy hits girl. Girl finds another boy. This one is better. Girl gets pregnant. Girl hates boy.

It breaks my heart that that's how the story goes. But, aside from the Lord, that is ALWAYS how it'll go. Maybe not word for word. But the main theme will remain.

We've been seperated from our Eternal Lover. We'll never communicate with Him again without distraction until the end of time. Did I say it breaks my heart? Because it truly, honestly, literally breaks my heart.

Tell me when we'll see how important it is to love one another. Loving is being involved. Weaping with those who weap. Laughing when your loved one is laughing.

Go. Go Love.

& remember: There is no love aside from the very One who is Love.

But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions--it is by grace you have been saved.
Ephesians 2:4&5

1 comment:

johnQIII said...

We are lost with out his great love.

Even when we are dead spiritually or dead in transgressions or like you said we are seperated from our Eternal Lover. Freaky if you ask me but then I was very much encouraged when the verse went on and said “by grace you have been saved.”

Your post are very encouraging and very thought-provoking
You're such a good writer! I like reading your post insightful stuff.

Peace Rachel