Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Just Can't Seem to Get it Right Today

Tonight is very confusing for me.
My mom hasn't gone grocery shopping since I moved in. There's no laundry detergent in the laundry room. She went straight from work to her boyfriend's house.

How the hell can someone claim to care about you so much and treat you like you're a vapor in their whirlwind????

I love her so much. I really do.
Her faults shove me into the arms of My Father.

Sometimes, though, I want a mom who doesn't have to shove me. Sometimes, I want a mom who lifts me, a mom who carries me to the Father.

I've had a lot of people offer me their homes lately. Obviously, she would never allow that.

& I just don't know that I could allow myself to skip out on my life. You know what I mean?
Doesn't it seem like a cop-out?

I just want to wait around & see if she'll come around. And I want to wait around and see how weak I can be, so God can be strong for me.

On a lighter note:
I love people. I totally get why God created us this way: needy.
I just can't imagine what's it's like for Him to see someone look elsewhere for satisfaction just to come to the realization that it's only found in Him. Must be a beautiful moment for Him. & if the angels are rejoicing... well, God must be beaming.

I don't know the answers. But, just the assurance that I know who does. It makes me look at human beings in a whole new light. It makes me love their shortcomings because I know that God created them with those so that He could be proven in His all-fulfilling nature.

It's a beautiful thing that we all NEED God.

Yesterday, I felt like someone was praying for me. Do you ever get that feeling?
The feeling that people are just interceding.

It's a beautiful thing: intercession.

Writing helps me so much. Two minutes ago I was rippin' mad.

Now, I'm just chipper. It amazes me.

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