Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Shepherd & His Sheep

Tonight I realized the phenomonal beauty involved in the relationship between the Shepherd & His Sheep.

It's less about the ways that they can 'relate' to one another & more about the dependant nature
of the bond. In ALL things the sheep look to the shepherd's guidance and have faith that he will
provide for their needs & protect them against adversaries. In the most touching way, the shepherd DESIRES to care for his sheep and is so glorified when they trust in him and remain in the flock.

I don't mean to point out too many Biblical parallels because I think it's clear how much this bond has in common with our bond with Christ (-hopefully-). But, when I think about my role as a wandering sheep I realize how brave I think I am. I almost define "a sheep in wolf's clothing".
I try to wander away & discover new things, green pastures that I've found. Then, I think that I'VE got the herd under control. I think that somehow I've been exempt from my position as a lamb & placed in the position of "Shepherd's Assistant" where I get to influence the path, help guide, lead the group, etc. Then come those humbling experiences that say "You are my lamb.. NOT my assitant." I should be equally as humbled & faithful as the rest of the sheep to merely follow and seek no greater position. Because, in reality, there is no greater position than to be a follower of the King of Kings.

It touches my heart that it brings joy to God's heart when we are faithful. And it should be touching, to a believer, that God is ready & willing to leave the faithful and seek out the straying. Not only touching--but motivating. It should motivate us to hold one another accountable when we see the incredible importance placed on each individual sheep that belongs to the Shepherd.

"See, the Lord God comes with strength,and His power establishes His rule. His reward is with Him, and His gifts accompany Him. He protects His flock like a shepherd; He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them in the fold of His garment. He gently leads those that are nursing. "
Isaiah 40:10&11

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